HPL plastic Lemark

HPL plastic (High-Pressure Laminate) is a heavy-duty structural and finishing material that is perfectly suitable for facade and interior decoration, furniture production, and other structures.

Affordable cost, durability, the ability to reliably imitate wood and stone, excellent adaptability to any climatic conditions allow the use of layered plastics in any region, opening up a wide range of design ideas.

Main layer
It consists of sheets of kraft paper pressed together using a special technology. The number of sheets sets the thickness of the final product (from 0.6 mm to 25mm). Depending on the customer's wishes, components are added to make the material difficult to burn and flatten.

Protective decorative layer (underlayer)
Special paper that improves the color reproduction of the decor. Provides additional protection against mixing resins between layers.

Decor Layer
High-quality paper that defines the final appearance of the plastic. More than 250 different decors will allow you to realize the most daring and creative design ideas
Security layer (overlap)
The special film is made of high-strength cured melamine resin. The main loads fall on it. Protects the material from: damage chemical damage UV rays mold and mildew

Lemark's plastic advantages


Износоустойчивость и прочность

HPL пластик устойчив к механическим повреждениям, царапинам и сколам благодаря сверхплотной монолитной структуре. Материал сохраняет свои первоначальные свойства и эстетический внешний вид на протяжении многих лет активной эксплуатации.

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Защита от перепадов температур

Одним из главных достоинств HPL панелей Лемарк является устойчивость к любым погодным явлениям. Им не страшны температурные перепады, заморозки, дождь и снег. Диапазон рабочих температур составляет от +70°С до -50°С, что позволяет использовать материал даже в условиях Крайнего Севера.

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Трудногорючие HPL панели не подвержены горению и не выделяют вредных веществ при повышенных температурах, что подтверждается сертификатом пожарной безопасности КМ-1 с полным протоколом испытаний.

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Декоративный слоистый пластик безвреден для человека и окружающей среды. HPL Lemark соответствует санитарно-эпидемиологическим требованиям, что подтверждено сертификатами. Рекомендован к применению в медицинских и образовательных учреждениях.

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Стойкость к химикатам

Воздействие агрессивных химических реагентов и растворителей не повлияют на внешний вид и характеристики HPL пластика Lemark. Благодаря таким свойствам, пластик применяется в медицинских учреждениях, стерильных помещениях и лабораториях.

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Благодаря бактерицидным свойствам, микроорганизмы практически мгновенно погибают при соприкосновении с поверхностью пластика. Материал широко применяется в местах с особыми требованиями к санитарии.

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Устойчивость к ультрафиолету

При производстве слоистых пластиков нами используются специальные защитные покрытия. Благодаря им материал приобретает устойчивость к ультрафиолету и сохраняет привлекательный внешний вид на протяжениина многих лет.

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Максимальная влагостойкость

Благодаря монолитной структуре и отсутствию пор слоистые пластики не впитывают влагу. Материал неуязвим для образования грибка, плесени, гнили и иного воздействия микроорганизмов.

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Легкость очистки

HPL панели обладают высокой устойчивостью к бытовым загрязнениям. Покрытие пластика можно легко очистить от следов тушения сигарет, граффити, следов обуви, что особо важно для общественных помещений.

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Многообразие декоров

Завод Лемарк выпускает свыше 250 видов декоров (однотонных, древесных, каменных, металлизированных, фантазийных и пр.), 12 видов тиснений позволяют архитекторам и дизайнерам воплощать смелые и креативные идеи.

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Применение пластика Lemark

Types of product

  • Standard (ST)

    It is used for facing smooth (flat) surfaces. It can be either one-sided (thickness from 0.6 to 2.0 mm) or two-sided structural material (thickness from 4.0 to 25.0 mm)

  • Compact

    Self-supporting and durable HPL plastic with a thickness of 2 to 25 mm with two decorative surfaces. It is used in the manufacture of office and household furniture, countertops, laboratory, and commercial equipment. Construction plastics of the compact type are used for surfaces with high requirements for wear resistance.

  • Postforming (PF)

    Designed for facing surfaces (furniture boards) with a small bending radius on special equipment. Produced in thickness from 0.6 mm to 0.8 mm.

  • Hard-to-burn (FR)

    It is produced following the requirements of Federal Law No. 123 and belongs to the fire hazard class KM-1, which is confirmed by the certificate. Plastic thickness from 0.6 mm to 25 mm.

  • Facade (EG)

    Laminated plastic for exterior decoration of buildings and structures, has high fire-fighting characteristics, resistance to external aggressive environment, and ultraviolet (UV).

  • Lab (LG)

    Laboratory (chemically resistant) plastic is produced specifically for surfaces where chemicals and reagents are used. This material is produced in thickness from 0.6 mm to 25 mm.

  • Biocidal (CR)

    Medical plastic with antibacterial properties, which is widely used in" clean " rooms. Prevents the formation of fungi, mold, and other microorganisms. Produced in thickness from 0.6 mm to 25 mm.

Standard (ST)
Postforming (PF)
Hard-to-burn (FR)
Facade (EG)
Lab (LG)
Biocidal (CR)


The Lemark range includes finishes that artfully convey the beauty of natural wood, stone, and metal, and solid colors are perfect for creating a modern room style.

A variety of decors will delight the most demanding customers and open up wide opportunities for implementing any design ideas.

The variety of embossments and textures allows you to implement original design ideas
  • GL-Gloss

    Perfectly smooth surface with a mirror effect

  • SH-Shagreen

    Smooth homogeneous matte surface

  • GR-Granite

    Simulates the structure of a rough stone

  • FL-Flowers

    Matte imitation of pebbles on a glossy surface

  • StM-Stone on morror
    StM-Stone on morror

    Conveys the fibrous structure of untreated wood

  • BR-Brush

    Simulates the structure of an aged wood coating

  • LW-Lawa

    Wood grain structure simulating rip sawing

  • SHN-Shine

    Semi-gloss surface with a rough-brushed metal effect

  • FRS-Forest

    A surface that simulates waterfall jets

  • LN-Line

    Protective film, decorated with glittering blotches with a holographic effect

  • CHM-Champion

    Protective film, decorated with glittering blotches with a holographic effect

  • Radiance

    Protective film, decorated with glittering blotches with a holographic effect

Plastic thickness: from 0.6 mm to 25mm


Due to innovative technologies, we produce laminated plastics with unique properties, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by test reports and certificates.

Modern production technologies

Lemark is one of the most modern factories in the Moscow region, a Russian enterprise with full-cycle production technology.

Raw material acceptance
To guarantee the highest quality of our products, we only use raw materials from trusted suppliers. At the time of acceptance, mandatory entrance control is carried out.
Resin synthesis
We synthesize resins ourselves on fully automated equipment, which guarantees high quality of the finished product
Impregnation of decorative and kraft paper with special synthesized resins to produce films from which HPL plastic is subsequently collected.
Building packages
Depending on the type and properties of HPL plastic, layers of different papers are arranged in a certain sequence in so-called “packages”.
The collected packages are sent to the press, where they are exposed to high pressure and temperature. As a result, the material turns into a heavy-duty monolith.
Final processing
Finishing includes cutting to a given format, roughening thin plastic, and applying a protective film if necessary.
Packaging and storage
Finished products are packed and placed on pallets. Before shipment, HPL plastic is stored in a dry closed warehouse.
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141503, МО,Solnechnogorsk, Butyrsky blind alley, ow. 4, bldg. 1

Working hours: пн-пт 09:00-18:00

Phone: +7 495 221-63-36

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